Wow, time flies. I have such a backlog of photos & days that I meant to post & never did. They're not all from the beach, but most are. So let's see .....
March 2nd. After the biggest part of the storm had passed we had huge waves. I was with the family in the minivan & no one wanted to get out of the warm car so I took these pics from the driver's seat of the car in the north side parking lot.

Right, not the best photos, I know, but seriously, huge waves, tons of surfers & onlookers. It was crazy! You should have been there.
March 3rd. Not from the beach, but this was the sunset from my back porch.

March 4th. I walked the pier & happened to have my camera phone with me. I don't usually carry one when I walk on the beach because I fear damage from my intense shell collecting activities, even though I did carry an actual camera for at least a month after that time (the 2nd!) I saw a seal very close-up eating fish in the waves, but I digress. Anyway, I was walking on the pier, the sky was still blurry from the storm, but one bright patch of sun was shining down on Long Beach. It was marvelous!

The pictures mostly just show the city lit up, but if you could see the whole sky you would see how everywhere was gray except for the light over our fair city. It looked so very cool.
Also that day, they were demolishing a small storage(?) room next to the pier. It was like this:

It's pretty much rebuilt now. Next time I walk the pier I'll take a picture. Also, it reminds me that I almost always see the oil rig workers on the pier in the morning, and the boat that carries them to and fro. That's definitely a future blog with photos.
Which takes us to March 6th. A good day, a beach walking day, and I had the camera phone with me. As I headed down the ramp from the street to the beach, I was suddenly surprised & sad to see that they had changed the surf report board because I realized I had never taken a photo of the old board. The new one is nice, though. I like it.

When I got down to the water's edge, there was a lot of trash. Thanks, litterbugs!

Nonetheless, it was a lovely post storm day. As I walked back from the north end, I snapped this pic of a moment that filled me with joy and gratitude and reminded me how much I love walking here. It's really, really awesome, in the literal meaning of that word.

Then I took this pic of a seagull. It's not the best illustration of this, but I tried to get a pic of something I've noticed before. When their wings are folded up, their tail feathers look like they have white polka dots. It's super cute. I'll try to get a better pic in the future.

After my walk, I always wash the sand off my feet at the showers next to the parking lot. On this day I looked down and saw this:

I guess I made a startled reaction because a surfer standing nearby told me he had put it there to be funny & that he got startled when he had flipped it over & started to rinse it off & some crabs came scurrying out of the neck hole. The horror! Pretty funny! :)
Here's a pic of my shell stash that day. Not too shabby.

March 10th, here are my sweet kitties:

No more pics until March 16th and they're not in Seal Beach. This last weekend was a best friends weekend. Here we are at my niece's baptism:

Here's my niece:

And here we are later in the afternoon, relaxing outside the Hotel Maya in Long Beach. We had a wonderful time!

Oh, wait! There is a pic from March 16th in Seal Beach. We were down there saying goodnight to the sun. These are my two besties:

We grew up on the same street. We've been friends for 40 years and I love them more now than ever.
Today, after picking up too many shells already, I saw a blue bucket with a handle floating in the waves so I picked it up and used it to hold every nice shell I found. Good thing shells are free because I love them.

Lastly, photos from my back yard. The first photos are the white wisteria that has been absolutely beautiful and has smelled terrific for a few weeks but is now starting to turn brown and drop petals. The second is the happy little gnome village outside my dining room/office window.

Whooh. Caught up. Hope you've enjoyed my March photos. Arrivederci!