The first day of summer was last Saturday. I didn't make it down to the beach until close to sunset but then I had a lovely walk. A really, really lovely walk. The photos above may give you some idea.
I had been cooped up in the house all day with my homebody kid & was grateful for the relief. I love the summer and I love my son but each pulls me away from the other. School's out so my son is on my time now all day long everyday. I can either force him to come with me (which he's totally not into, sadly) or make other arrangements and just go without him. His complaining kind of harshes my mellow anyway, so in the past I've tended to let his hermit-like ways keep me home much too much but this summer I just can't do it. If I don't get out & walk my mind goes too squirrely. I get ants in my pants and static in my attic. Something about that stretch of beach really irons out my wrinkles in a wonderful way.
So let's see..... I've made it down there four out of the past five days so I'm doing pretty good. The more I walk the better I feel, so I keep on walking.
A lot of days they have surfing school. Isn't that great?!!!

Then yesterday and today they've been having Junior Lifeguard training.

I love seeing all the kids, little and not so little, surfing and running up and down the beach. Too cute!
Other fun stuff: this morning all my usual favorite morning walkers were there: the two older men I call the Russians & the lady I call the Russian lady, even though they don't appear to know each other, we just all happen to walk at around the same time. I imagine that the men are Russian Mafia (no idea what their ethnicity really is) & that when the day comes they will spare me because I'm always friendly to them. The Russian lady wears the same perfume as my stepmom. It smells nice but it's always a little bit disconcerting because it's a really distinct smell.
Also, I saw the nearly naked swimming guy. Yay! He's awesome! I love the nearly naked guy! He's very fit, well into his 60s at least, tan, balding, white hair, goatee, and he strips down to the teeniest tiniest G-string ever and takes a short swim in the ocean. How great is that?! Bold I tell ya!
Then there are the two city worker guys. They get on my nerves driving their stupid loud tractors all over the sand making all that obnoxious noise. I have no idea what they're even doing. I know they're doing something probably super necessary and important (yeah right) but it's annoying. They both have beards & back in the winter when I would see them working on the pier I wanted to ask them if they were having some sort of beard growing contest. One guy looked sort of cute and I thought his beard was sexy at first in a Jake Gyllenhaal kind of way but I got sick of it real quick & decided it was more in a Joaquin Phoenix kind of way & now I hate him. LOL?
And then there was Gael. Ah, Gael.... I didn't see him today. In fact, I only saw him for about a week or two a few months ago. He would run across the beach a few times on the softer, dry sand up away from the water so I never got a really good look at him but from my distance he looked perfect. He was dark haired, thin and tan with some tattoos, which I normally don't go for but on him, like I said, perfect. I wonder if he'll ever be back again. He was dreamy.
So that's it. My pictures show the June Gloom weather which it has been in the mornings but it clears up by the late afternoon and gets hot and summery and wonderful. I still feel nervous/anxious a lot for no reason & about half the time I have a nasty headache but I'm dealing with it all pretty well. Walking helps, I think because it helps me to live in the moment instead of being so stuck in my own head, and the sights and sounds of the beach help to unwind my mind. Except for those stupid tractors!
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