Long time no write. It's not that I've been too busy, it's just that, well, I'm lazy, it's true. So let me start(and maybe finish?) with some random photos I've taken over the past few months. The first pics are of birds in December and/or January. The weather has been cool but not too cold. We are definitely spoiled out here what with people in the Midwest and back east completely buried in snow for weeks and months. Anyway, without further ado, birds:

I got a new phone earlier this month. The weather was a bit cold, plus it was generally high tide times so I was walking the pier a lot & snapped a few pics. In the first pic, the big hill is Palos Verdes. In the second pic, the small hill is Signal Hill, and we live to the right & a little forward from it.
Hmmm....Having trouble uploading those 2 photos as well as another photo of my shell bonanza from yesterday. Oh well. Suffice it to say that this has been a wonderful walking week so far. I've been back down on the beach and the tide has been very low which makes me a happy girl.
There's a lot more I mean to say about my jazz walk and ScarJo walk, but I'm bored with this, so another time. Adieu!
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