Rain is coming tonight and off and on through the weekend but this morning was dry and cold (and sort of high tide) so I headed out to the pier, walked & jazz walked, and snapped this nice picture of the sun on the water on the south side of the pier. Isn't it lovely? Just a moment in time ....

Here's a shot facing the other direction off the pier, towards Long Beach and the Palos Verdes hill.

It's looking pretty stormy!
I love how all the surfers are out trying to catch some rides before the storm rolls in and the water gets all fouled with bacteria like it does when it rains. There was even a middle-aged swimmer guy in a red Speedo. I watched him walk out into the ocean. For a minute the water only came up to his thighs but then suddenly a non-cresting wave came towards him and brought the water level up to his chest. My exact thought was "damn, that looks cold," but he didn't seem to mind and last I saw him, he was swimming north towards Long Beach.
We've had a terrible drought this year so everyone is really thankful that we're finally going to get some rain. I saw a segment on TV last night about some farmers in the Central Valley who've lost everything. It's horribly sad. So bring on the rain! The only worry is that since the ground is so dry it won't be able to absorb all the moisture and we'll end up with a lot of flooding and mudslides. But what am I, an expert? Hardly, but you're welcome for all the bad news!
After a short walk on the long pier, I got all my grocery shopping done and now I'm ready for the rain outside while I remain cozy at home, except for a short walk in the morning with my son's class to go see a play. Hopefully we'll be walking between the raindrops.
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